Monday, December 24, 2007

I heart movies

I just wanted to let you all know that I did find a site where you can list and catalogue the movies you own or have watched (see my librarythingy post). It's call I heart movies. I have been slowly going through the Web 2.0 directory, it it super cool all the stuff that is floating around out there in cyberspace...

Mr. Edward Magorium: I've hired an accountant.
Molly Mahoney: What?
Mr. Edward Magorium: It's a cross between a counter and a mutant.

-Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's over....

Well I have finished my Learning 2.0. :-(

I liked it, though I did find it a bit time consuming...I did most of the lessons at work and then would blog about them later from home...which is why my posts are usually short and talk about several lessons together...

Though I may not use a lot of these things very often, it is good to know where they are and how to use them. I didn't know much about podcasting and I have been told that I have a "great voice for radio" so maybe in the future I will look into it... :-)

AND after my rant about wiki's I have changed my mind...I am using PBwiki to organise my church concert for next year, as well as having info about the concert we had this year with links to a few clips on youtube. At the moment it is just me who is able to edit the page but I will probably give the password out to the other production team members...I just need to relax my control a little...which is very hard for me... :-P

"So long and thanks for all the fish" -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's nearly over... :-(

So I have nearly reached the end of my Learning 2.0.

#21 Podcasts - I probably won't make any...I did think that maybe I could do storytime podcasts but it is probably already being done AND then there are all the copyright regulations that probably apply that I can't be bothered looking up...Christian would know of the top of his head so maybe I will ask him...

#22 Audiobooks - Great idea but I don't have an ipod yet to download them to. I didn't like the layout of the
World ebook fair website, I found it messy and difficult to follow...but that's just me.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." - Pride and Prejudice

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

#20 YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yay this week we got to play with *coughs* I mean study, one of my favourite websites...YOUTUBE!!!!!!!

I love this site...I can spend hours on there because one clip always leads me to another and then another... I have been a member for nearly 11 months, CLICK HERE to see my user page. I have added one clip which has been watch 614 times and has 3 comments.

"That is all" -The Devil wears Prada.

Monday, October 29, 2007

#17 and #18...can't think of a better title for this post.


I now have way too many user names and passwords!!! I can't remember them all, I need to create a website like or bloglines where people can login with one username and password and be able to access all their saved sites at once!!! Or is there a site like that already out there??? Primrose has been using a notebook to write them in but then she has to cart it round with her. I joined Zoho so I suppose I can create a document and write them all in it but it would be easier to have a site where you could just sign in and click on a site you have saved and it would take you straight in...however I suppose if someone hacked into your account then they would have access to all your accounts...hmmm.

For my "discovering web 2.0 tools" I joined
Last.FM I tried to go into PANDORA but it knew I was from Australia and due to licensing constraints it was restricted to the USA only... Last.FM was the next one listed on SEOmoz's web 2.0 awards for music so I joined them instead. I haven't had a big play with Last.FM yet so I am not sure of all the the site can do and wikipedia will be able to explain it much better than me anyway. I was very happy to find some songs from my friend's old band "The Kissingers" and I was able to add them to my playlist and listen to them online. His new band "The Sugarfree Masons" has a profile but don't seem to have any music uploaded, I'm not exactly sure what that means. I haven't downloaded the software that goes with the site (because I am at work) so it can't scrobble my computer yet but I will download it to my home computer when I get home tonight...hopefully I will be able to remember my username and password...

"They say she was once a grand lady and lived on the hill but she took to reading books and went from bad to worse, stuffed her head full of ideas, and now she's a bit addled." -The Glass Slipper

Monday, October 15, 2007

Libraries, wikis and venting...

I am only going to do a quick post and just mention a few things I have looked at in Learning 2.0.

Library 2.0...I know it is all about making it easier for the users and keeping up with all the other libraries but if we all band together and stop now then maybe the users will never know what they are missing. ;-)

I love technology and I love libraries but the libraries I love are quiet and structured which brings me to another thing I'm not sure I is so....I can't find the words...I guess I feel like there might be stuff out there that I could be missing out on because I might tag something differently from someone else. I guess it is different if I am using just for myself but then I have to remember which tag I used the last time I was on a similiar website. What if in the future libraries start letting users tag items instead of using something like LC subject headings then everything will be all over the place, and I can't have that...I must have order!!!!

Another thing I am not sure I like is wiki's, yes they are great for sharing info but what if you do a ton of research on a topic and then someone who thinks they know more than you comes along and deletes it all?!?!?!?!? I would be extemely upset about that I think, plus anyone can put anything on there without having evidence...

"My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump.

Claiming MY blog!!!!

So here I go claiming my blog from Technorati. It's mine....all mine.

Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine.

Clink on the link below to see my....

Technorati Profile

"Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine." -Finding Nemo.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Mmmmm delicious

If you have read my first post then you know that I am studying to be a librarian. And if you haven't read my first post but you read the first sentence of this post then you also know.

You may also have noticed that I have changed the title of my blog.

I am currently in the middle of completing my last assignment for this semester. I am designing a brochure about best recordkeeping practices in an organisation (riveting stuff I know). Anyway I have been looking at a lot of books and websites for ideas and now that I have found I can bookmark all the sites I have been to so I can go back later and add them to my bibliography. Yaaaayyyyyy!!!! This saves space in my favourites folder and it doesn't matter if I am at home or at work doing my homework during my lunch break I can still login and access them. So I have decided that I really like

"It's so stimulating being your hat." -Labyrinth.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rollyo rollyo rollyo....Move 'em on, head 'em up, Rawhide.

I think I am falling behind a bit in my posts.

As you can see I have added the Rollyo thingy (very technical term) to my blog. After much thought about what subject I should use I decided on the one of my favourite subjects...The Muppets.

I guess I will find it useful for myself, but I am not sure how many people who read my blog will actually use it and/or find it useful. :-)

What I did find interesting though was the fact I had to use google in order to find all the sites that I usually look at when I am looking up Muppet that defeat the purpose of Rollyo??? Maybe not, as you know google gives you tons of sites that just waste your time. I find it very annoying when I go into a site that looks good from the google page but on further investigation turns out to be...c*^p...i.e. not what I wanted. Whereas with Rollyo I have put on the sites that I know contain good other words...I have already wasted my time looking at them. ;-)

I am sure there are other good Muppet sites out there that I can add to my Rollyo search thingy (there's that technical term again) and so I will keep using google as well if I can't find what I am looking for in my Rollyo search....thingy. ;-)

"Kissy-kissy" -Miss Piggy.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Librarything thingy

I joined librarything last week but I haven't had time to post about it. I added a few books that I have read but I have read sooooo many that I can't remember all the titles and I probably won't use it anyway. Now if there is a website out there (I am sure there is) where you can do the same thing with DVDs that would be great. Then I could access it on my mobile when I am shopping. I can never remember what DVDs I own. To date I have bought 3 DVD copies of the Princess Bride (one of my favourite movies). I also own it on video which is why I keep forgetting that I have bought the DVD, so I have given one to my Mum and one to my sister and if I forget again and buy another one then I am sure I will find a home for that one too.

"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife" Princess Bride.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The magic 8-ball.

The magic 8-ball.
Originally uploaded by MonzM
I think I am getting my weeks mixed up, but this some of the fun you can have with image generators.

The site I used was

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Me with my 3 little sisters on Christmas day 2006.

This is my favourite photo of my sisters and me.

Not sure what week we are up to?!?!?!?!?

This week in learning web 2.0 we learned about RSS and newsreaders etc or was that last weeks? I can't quite work out which week we are up to?!?!?!?

I joined bloglines but now I have to rememeber to actually login and check it...just another the rate I am going I will be online 24 hours a day :-) So far I have mostly just subscribed to blogs belonging to my friends. Bloglines is great, I don't have to remember the URL's for everyone's blogs and I can see at a glance if they have added a post. Isn't technology wonderful??? It saves time and connects us all...well it connects us who have access to the net. I have a friend at a convent in France who wants me to write her a real letter on paper and post it!!!!!!! Do I even remember how????

I saw the movie Stardust was fantastic I recommend it for anyone to see. Fairytale, romance, comedy, etc. great for the whole family.

"We always knew you were a whoopsie" Stardust.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

This will NOT be a surprise for those of you who know me...and I didn't cheat!!!

You Are Miss Piggy

A total princess and diva, you're totally in charge - even if people don't know it.
You want to be loved, adored, and worshiped. And you won't settle for anything less.
You're going to be a total star, and you won't let any of the "little people" get in your way.
Just remember, piggy, never eat more than you can lift!

Monday, September 17, 2007

My first post (the boring one)

I just thought I would mention first off that I am not a Librarian yet, I am currently a Library Technician, I will be a Librarian in about 3 more years of part time study but when I tried to name my blog "Random thoughts from a drama queen library technician" it was too many characters..... :-(

So I think in our first blog we are supposed to talk about which habit we would have trouble with and which habit we would find the easiest from "The Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners"

Habit 1 – Begin with the end in mind
Habit 2 – Accept responsibility for your own learning
Habit 3 – View problems as challenges
Habit 4 – Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
Habit 5 – Create your own learning toolbox
Habit 6 – Use technology to your advantage
Habit 7 – Teach and mentor others
Habit 7 ½ – PLAY!Have fun! It's never too late to become a lifelong learner.

I guess the easiest habit for me would be Habit 7 ½ – PLAY! Have fun! It's never too late to become a lifelong learner. I love playing with new technology, and I have already used quite a few things we are covering in Learning Web 2.0 e.g. myspace, facebook, wiki's, youtube etc. So I think the next 9 weeks are going to be quite fun.

The hardest habit for me would probably be Habit 7 – Teach and mentor others. I have a terrible habit of getting excited and talking too fast when I am trying to explain things to people. I am getting a bit better at it as I get older and I hope that I am becoming more patient with people when they can't keep up with me. (I sound very arrogant don't I???)

I usually like to finish off my blogs with a quote and my favourite quote at the moment is:

"True friends stab you in the front."
Oscar Wilde.