Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's over....

Well I have finished my Learning 2.0. :-(

I liked it, though I did find it a bit time consuming...I did most of the lessons at work and then would blog about them later from home...which is why my posts are usually short and talk about several lessons together...

Though I may not use a lot of these things very often, it is good to know where they are and how to use them. I didn't know much about podcasting and I have been told that I have a "great voice for radio" so maybe in the future I will look into it... :-)

AND after my rant about wiki's I have changed my mind...I am using PBwiki to organise my church concert for next year, as well as having info about the concert we had this year with links to a few clips on youtube. At the moment it is just me who is able to edit the page but I will probably give the password out to the other production team members...I just need to relax my control a little...which is very hard for me... :-P

"So long and thanks for all the fish" -The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1 comment:

Primrose said...

Well done on finishing your journey, I hope that you enjoyed the journey and the destination was everything you wanted it to be. If not, turn on your phone and put in new coordinates!